Home>Products>NACHI Pump>NACHI SA-G01-A3X-JNR-C1-31 SA Series Solenoid Directional Control Valves
NACHI SA-G01-A3X-JNR-C1-31 SA Series Solenoid Directional Control Valves
170 Million used NACHI SA-G01-A3X-JNR-C1-31 SA Series Solenoid Directional Control Valves instantly searchable. Shop our large selection of parts based on brand, price, description, and location. Order the NACHI Pump with Shanghai pump Technology Co., Ltd. stock ...
- 4.5625 in
- Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary Metals Industry, Steel Industry, Aluminum Industry, Pulp and Paper Industry, Che
- Labyrinth
- 3926904590.US
- ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged Design Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator FKM O-Rings and 0.375"
- 29502-0362
- -22 to 400°F
- 0.27 lb
Shanghai pump Technology Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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SA-G01-A3X-JNR-C1-31 Product Description
- 4500 fpm
- 5.5620 in
- 0.020 in
- 0.7500 in
- Ambient
NACHI SA-G01-A3X-JNR-C1-31 NACHI The details of
##NACHI SA-G01-A3X-JNR-C1-31 SA Series Solenoid Directional Control ValvesParts Table 1## | ||||||||
Gear Pump | 98,425 mm | 480 | 48,006 mm | 3000 fpm | ||||
Barrel Washer | 61.91 mm | 1.22 kg | 53.7 mm | 16 | ||||
Bushing Spring | ISO Class 0 | - | Separable Outer Ring | N/A | ||||
Bearings | Uncoated | - | Non Contact Seal | N/A | ||||
Set Plate | 1.575 Inch | 40 Millimeter | 0.38 | 1.181 Inch | 30 Millimeter | N/A | ||||
Swash Plate Assemblies | Tapered hole adapter type | Double Lip with Spring | 1.1 | N/A | ||||
Shoe Plates | Solid | 11.554 | 161 mm | N/A | ||||
Oil Distribution Disc Plug | 50 | 80 | 16 | Separable Outer Ring | ||||
Shafts | 100 | Non Contact Seal | 8400 | Yes | ||||
Saddle Bearing | 320 mm | 2 (1 Pair) | 121 mm | 100 °C | ||||
Bearing Plate | 1 | 0.06 lbs | Diamond Flange Shape | Cast Iron |
NACHI SA-G03-A3X-J-D1-J21 SA Series Solenoid Valves | Flow:4.5625 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Control Pressure Measurement:Labyrinth; Nominal Resistance:3926904590.US; Maximum rotational speed:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Weight (approx.):29502-0362; Load Pressure:-22 to 400°F; Case volume:0.27 lb; Voltage:4500 fpm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):5.5620 in; Maximum Torque:0.020 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.7500 in; Drive Speed:Ambient; |
NACHI SA-G03-C6S-N-C230-J21 SA Series Solenoid Valves | Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:4.5625 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Nominal Resistance:Labyrinth; Load Pressure:3926904590.US; Pilot Pressure:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Determining Operating Characteristics:29502-0362; Maximum rotational speed:-22 to 400°F; Control Fluid Drain:0.27 lb; Maximum Volume Flow:4500 fpm; Case volume:5.5620 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0.020 in; Control Pressure Measurement:0.7500 in; Drive Power:Ambient; |
NACHI SA-G03-A3X-C1-J21 SA Series Solenoid Valves | Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:4.5625 in; Load Pressure:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Moment of inertia rotary group:Labyrinth; Weight (approx.):3926904590.US; Maximum rotational speed:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Drive Speed:29502-0362; Nominal Resistance:-22 to 400°F; Flow:0.27 lb; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:4500 fpm; Power:5.5620 in; Drive Power:0.020 in; Sequence Valve:0.7500 in; Pressurefree Operation:Ambient; |
NACHI SA-G03-A3X-F-E2-J21 SA Series Solenoid Valves | Case volume:4.5625 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Determining Operating Characteristics:Labyrinth; Flow:3926904590.US; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Nominal Resistance:29502-0362; Load Pressure:-22 to 400°F; Control Fluid Drain:0.27 lb; Sequence Valve:4500 fpm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:5.5620 in; Maximum Volume Flow:0.020 in; Rotary stiffness:0.7500 in; Maximum angular acceleration:Ambient; |
NACHI SA-G03-C6S-C2-21 SA Series Solenoid Valves | Load Pressure:4.5625 in; Nominal Resistance:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Maximum angular acceleration:Labyrinth; Pilot Pressure:3926904590.US; Moment of inertia rotary group:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Maximum rotational speed:29502-0362; Power:-22 to 400°F; Torque:0.27 lb; Rate Of Pressure Change:4500 fpm; Drive Power:5.5620 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:0.020 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.7500 in; Weight (approx.):Ambient; |
NACHI SA-G03-A2X-N-C2-J21 SA Series Solenoid Valves | Rotary stiffness:4.5625 in; Maximum Torque:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Labyrinth; Control Pressure Measurement:3926904590.US; Pilot Pressure:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Load Pressure:29502-0362; Control Fluid Drain:-22 to 400°F; Torque:0.27 lb; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):4500 fpm; Weight (approx.):5.5620 in; Nominal Resistance:0.020 in; Sequence Valve:0.7500 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:Ambient; |
NACHI SA-G01-C7Y-E2-31 SA Series Solenoid Directional Control Valves | Pilot Pressure:4.5625 in; Control Fluid Drain:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Weight (approx.):Labyrinth; Maximum Volume Flow:3926904590.US; Pressurefree Operation:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Control Pressure Measurement:29502-0362; Maximum Torque:-22 to 400°F; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.27 lb; Power:4500 fpm; Case volume:5.5620 in; Drive Speed:0.020 in; Torque:0.7500 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Ambient; |
NACHI SA-G03-C6S-FNR-E1-J21 SA Series Solenoid Valves | Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:4.5625 in; Pilot Pressure:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Maximum Torque:Labyrinth; Rate Of Pressure Change:3926904590.US; Torque:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Nominal Resistance:29502-0362; Determining Operating Characteristics:-22 to 400°F; Load Pressure:0.27 lb; Drive Speed:4500 fpm; Control Fluid Drain:5.5620 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:0.020 in; Case volume:0.7500 in; Voltage:Ambient; |
NACHI SA-G03-C6S-J-C2-J21 SA Series Solenoid Valves | Determining Operating Characteristics:4.5625 in; Voltage:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Maximum angular acceleration:Labyrinth; Rate Of Pressure Change:3926904590.US; Pilot Pressure:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Control Pressure Measurement:29502-0362; Sequence Valve:-22 to 400°F; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.27 lb; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):4500 fpm; Power:5.5620 in; Nominal Resistance:0.020 in; Case volume:0.7500 in; Control Fluid Drain:Ambient; |
NACHI SA-G03-C6-R-C115-21 SA Series Solenoid Valves | Control Fluid Drain:4.5625 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Pressurefree Operation:Labyrinth; Maximum angular acceleration:3926904590.US; Moment of inertia rotary group:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Rate Of Pressure Change:29502-0362; Torque:-22 to 400°F; Weight (approx.):0.27 lb; Drive Power:4500 fpm; Load Pressure:5.5620 in; Case volume:0.020 in; Maximum Torque:0.7500 in; Drive Speed:Ambient; |
NACHI SA-G03-A2X-F-E2-J21 SA Series Solenoid Valves | Control Fluid Drain:4.5625 in; Case volume:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Maximum Volume Flow:Labyrinth; Control Pressure Measurement:3926904590.US; Determining Operating Characteristics:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Voltage:29502-0362; Weight (approx.):-22 to 400°F; Maximum Torque:0.27 lb; Maximum angular acceleration:4500 fpm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:5.5620 in; Maximum rotational speed:0.020 in; Drive Speed:0.7500 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Ambient; |
NACHI SA-G03-C6-N-C2-J21 SA Series Solenoid Valves | Load Pressure:4.5625 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Control Pressure Measurement:Labyrinth; Case volume:3926904590.US; Drive Speed:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Maximum angular acceleration:29502-0362; Determining Operating Characteristics:-22 to 400°F; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0.27 lb; Maximum rotational speed:4500 fpm; Control Fluid Drain:5.5620 in; Maximum Volume Flow:0.020 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:0.7500 in; Power:Ambient; |
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Nachi Solenoid Operated Directional Control Valve, SA-G01
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SS and SA Series G01-31 Design ... NACHI brand. ... Shock-less type. AC solenoid. DC solenoid. Rectifier built-in type. C1. C115. C2 ... SS-G01-A3X-R-C※-31
NACHI SA-G01-A3X-JNR-C1-31 SA Series Solenoid Directional Control Valves Video
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