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Yuken S-BG-10-V-R-40 Pilot Operated Relief Valves
Yuken Pump
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- Yuken
- Oil-Impregnated Bronze
- Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi)
- 7/8 in
- 50000
- 2-1/4 in
- 1200 (sfm)
- 6-1/2 in
- None
Shanghai pump Technology Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Yuken Exchange Guide
- Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®
- SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II
- -35 °F to +300 °F
Yuken S-BG-10-V-R-40 Yuken S-BG-10-V-R-40 Pilot Operated Relief Valves Frequently purchased together
##Yuken S-BG-10-V-R-40 Pilot Operated Relief ValvesParts Table 1## | ||||||||
Plunger Sliding Boots | 265 | 280 | 1,81 Kg | 1400 | ||||
Pump Right Rotating Group | 1120000 N | 60 | - | 180 | ||||
Piston Sets | 6.187 Inch | 157.15 Millimeter | 10.875 Inch | 276.225 Millimeter | 50.65 | 31171516 | ||||
Spindle | 0.098 Inch | 2.5 Millimeter | 0.276 Inch | 7 Millimeter | 0.001 | 31171504 | ||||
Rod | 0.875 Inch | 22.217 Millimeter | 1.875 Inch | 47.625 Millimeter | - | 31171504 | ||||
Piston Shoe | 0.18 | High Capacity | Plain Inner Ring | 2 Rib Outer Ring | Cage on Outer Ring ID | 0.455 | NU3 | ||||
Bearings | 85 | 180 | B04144 | Seal | ||||
Coil Spring | 17mm | 40mm | 5 | 1120000 N | ||||
Swash Plate Assemblies | 60 mm | 130 mm | 31 | 31171547 | ||||
Inclined Plate | 5 mm | 8 mm | 6700 r/min | 90188 | ||||
Cylinder | 8 | 108.6 mm | 0.023 to 0.029 | 31411705 |
Yuken DSG-01-3C12-D24-C-N-70 Solenoid Operated Directional Valves | Case volume:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Drive Power:7/8 in; Rotary stiffness:50000; Voltage:2-1/4 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:1200 (sfm); Maximum Torque:6-1/2 in; Weight (approx.):None; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Flow:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Maximum Volume Flow:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Yuken DMG-10-3C2-40 Manually Operated Directional Valves | Determining Operating Characteristics:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Moment of inertia rotary group:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Drive Power:7/8 in; Power:50000; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:2-1/4 in; Control Fluid Drain:1200 (sfm); Load Pressure:6-1/2 in; Flow:None; Drive Speed:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Torque:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Maximum Volume Flow:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Yuken DSG-01-3C12-A240-70 Solenoid Operated Directional Valves | Control Fluid Drain:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Rate Of Pressure Change:7/8 in; Weight (approx.):50000; Load Pressure:2-1/4 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:1200 (sfm); Moment of inertia rotary group:6-1/2 in; Drive Speed:None; Case volume:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Pilot Pressure:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Torque:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Yuken DMG-04-3C6 Manually Operated Directional Valves | Voltage:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Control Fluid Drain:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Drive Speed:7/8 in; Maximum angular acceleration:50000; Rate Of Pressure Change:2-1/4 in; Power:1200 (sfm); Load Pressure:6-1/2 in; Drive Power:None; Nominal Resistance:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Case volume:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Control Pressure Measurement:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Yuken DMT-06X-3C2-30 Manually Operated Directional Valves | Weight (approx.):Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Determining Operating Characteristics:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Moment of inertia rotary group:7/8 in; Maximum Volume Flow:50000; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):2-1/4 in; Maximum angular acceleration:1200 (sfm); Drive Power:6-1/2 in; Maximum Torque:None; Case volume:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Pressurefree Operation:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Yuken DSG-01-3C10-R200-C-N1-70 Solenoid Operated Directional Valves | Maximum rotational speed:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Pilot Pressure:7/8 in; Sequence Valve:50000; Nominal Resistance:2-1/4 in; Torque:1200 (sfm); Drive Speed:6-1/2 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:None; Power:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Determining Operating Characteristics:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Weight (approx.):-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Yuken DSG-01-3C9-A120-C-N1-70 Solenoid Operated Directional Valves | Voltage:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Torque:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Rate Of Pressure Change:7/8 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:50000; Control Pressure Measurement:2-1/4 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1200 (sfm); Maximum angular acceleration:6-1/2 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):None; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Load Pressure:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Weight (approx.):-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Yuken DSG-01-3C10-A240-C-70 Solenoid Operated Directional Valves | Nominal Resistance:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Rotary stiffness:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Flow:7/8 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):50000; Drive Speed:2-1/4 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1200 (sfm); Torque:6-1/2 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:None; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Maximum Volume Flow:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Pressurefree Operation:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Yuken DSG-01-3C11-A120-C-N-70 Solenoid Operated Directional Valves | Voltage:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Flow:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Load Pressure:7/8 in; Drive Power:50000; Nominal Resistance:2-1/4 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:1200 (sfm); Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:6-1/2 in; Maximum Torque:None; Case volume:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Torque:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Pressurefree Operation:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Yuken DMG-04-2B3A-21 Manually Operated Directional Valves | Load Pressure:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Flow:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Control Pressure Measurement:7/8 in; Pilot Pressure:50000; Maximum Volume Flow:2-1/4 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:1200 (sfm); Maximum Torque:6-1/2 in; Weight (approx.):None; Sequence Valve:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Rotary stiffness:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Drive Speed:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Yuken DMG-02-3C2 Manually Operated Directional Valves | Nominal Resistance:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Drive Speed:7/8 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:50000; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:2-1/4 in; Control Pressure Measurement:1200 (sfm); Determining Operating Characteristics:6-1/2 in; Load Pressure:None; Maximum angular acceleration:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Sequence Valve:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Power:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Yuken DMG-01-3C2-10 Manually Operated Directional Valves | Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Case volume:7/8 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:50000; Maximum Volume Flow:2-1/4 in; Control Fluid Drain:1200 (sfm); Weight (approx.):6-1/2 in; Rotary stiffness:None; Flow:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Maximum angular acceleration:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
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