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Vickers 4525V42A17-1AA22R Double Vane Pump
Vickers Pump
Vickers 4525V42A17-1AA22R Double Vane Pump SPECIFICATIONS
Vickers Pump are a few brands you will find in our inventory. Find Shanghai pump Technology Co., Ltd. Vickers 4525V42A17-1AA22R Double Vane Pump to see what's in stock!
- 3.4375 in
- 3.7500 in
- 13.6300 in
- Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed)
- 7.6900 in
- Powder Coat
- Four-Bolt Base
- 4.0600 in
Shanghai pump Technology Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Specifications for
- Spherical Roller
- Triple-lip contacting, self-purging nitrile rubber seal
- Round
- 1.5600 in
- Solid Pillow Block
- Lubrication Fitting
- 3.7500 in
- Open
- Heavy Duty
- 0.7500 in
- Cast Steel
- Single V-Lock Collar
- 49 lbs
- Bearing Steel
- Click here
- 10.2500 in
- 883450175593
Vickers 4525V42A17-1AA22R Double Vane Pump Product identifiers
##Vickers 4525V42A17-1AA22R Double Vane PumpParts Table 1## | ||||||||
Swash Plate Assy | 110 mm | 50 mm | 11 mm | 156 kN | ||||
Cylinder Blocks | 14 mm | 10 | 15,900 N | 5,9 kN | ||||
Socket Bolt | 100 mm | 70 mm | 31 mm | 76,9 kN | ||||
Cylinder | 180 mm | 85 mm | 60 mm | 60 mm | ||||
Inclined Plate | 2.165 Inch | 55 Millimeter | 1.181 Inch | 30 Millimeter | 1.024 Inch | 26 Millimeter | Single Row | ||||
Block Cylinder | 30MM Bore; 55MM Outside Diameter; 26MM Width; Open Enclosure; ABEC 7 | ISO P4 Precision; Steel Ball Material; 2 (1 Pair) Bearings; 15 Degree Contact Angle; Phenolic Cage Material; 1 Rib Outer Ring Rac | KH205 | 14 | 143 kN | ||||
Bearings | 95 mm to 114 mm | 25 mm | 42.5 mm | Solid | ||||
Coil Spring | 52 mm | 20 mm | 15 mm | 100 mm | ||||
Shafts | 6.25 inch | 2.75 inch | 1.375 inch | 0.44 Hz | ||||
Variable Piston | 760 mm | 460 mm | 300 mm | 300 mm | ||||
Skeleton Oil Seal | 35 mm | 10 mm | 11 mm | 11 mm | ||||
Servo Piston | 50 mm | Standard | 31171531 | 6.52 Hz |
Vickers DG4V-3-8C-VMU-C661 Solenoid Operated Directional Valve | Rotary stiffness:3.4375 in; Control Pressure Measurement:3.7500 in; Pilot Pressure:13.6300 in; Flow:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Pressurefree Operation:7.6900 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Powder Coat; Drive Power:Four-Bolt Base; Torque:4.0600 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Spherical Roller; Rate Of Pressure Change:Triple-lip contacting, self-purging nitrile rubber seal; Voltage:Round; Case volume:1.5600 in; Sequence Valve:Solid Pillow Block; Drive Speed:Lubrication Fitting; Load Pressure:3.7500 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Open; Weight (approx.):Heavy Duty; Determining Operating Characteristics:0.7500 in; Nominal Resistance:Cast Steel; Power:QVPR; Maximum rotational speed:Single V-Lock Collar; Maximum Torque:49 lbs; Control Fluid Drain:Bearing Steel; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Click here; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):10.2500 in; manufacturer upc number:883450175593; |
Vickers DG4V-3-2AL-M-U-H7-60 Solenoid Operated Directional Valve | Load Pressure:3.4375 in; Control Pressure Measurement:3.7500 in; Sequence Valve:13.6300 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:7.6900 in; Maximum Torque:Powder Coat; Maximum Volume Flow:Four-Bolt Base; Flow:4.0600 in; Rotary stiffness:Spherical Roller; Pilot Pressure:Triple-lip contacting, self-purging nitrile rubber seal; Drive Speed:Round; Moment of inertia rotary group:1.5600 in; Nominal Resistance:Solid Pillow Block; Rate Of Pressure Change:Lubrication Fitting; Power:3.7500 in; Case volume:Open; Drive Power:Heavy Duty; Pressurefree Operation:0.7500 in; Maximum rotational speed:Cast Steel; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):QVPR; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Single V-Lock Collar; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:49 lbs; Voltage:Bearing Steel; Weight (approx.):Click here; Torque:10.2500 in; manufacturer upc number:883450175593; |
Vickers DG4V-3-6C-M-U1-T-70 Solenoid Operated Directional Valve | Torque:3.4375 in; Maximum angular acceleration:3.7500 in; Maximum Volume Flow:13.6300 in; Pressurefree Operation:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Load Pressure:7.6900 in; Maximum rotational speed:Powder Coat; Case volume:Four-Bolt Base; Weight (approx.):4.0600 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:Spherical Roller; Voltage:Triple-lip contacting, self-purging nitrile rubber seal; Drive Power:Round; Rate Of Pressure Change:1.5600 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Solid Pillow Block; Control Fluid Drain:Lubrication Fitting; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:3.7500 in; Maximum Torque:Open; Moment of inertia rotary group:Heavy Duty; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.7500 in; Nominal Resistance:Cast Steel; Drive Speed:QVPR; Control Pressure Measurement:Single V-Lock Collar; Pilot Pressure:49 lbs; Flow:Bearing Steel; Sequence Valve:Click here; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):10.2500 in; manufacturer upc number:883450175593; |
Vickers DG4V-3-2N-M-U-D6-60 Solenoid Operated Directional Valve | Pressurefree Operation:3.4375 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:3.7500 in; Control Fluid Drain:13.6300 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Load Pressure:7.6900 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Powder Coat; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Four-Bolt Base; Power:4.0600 in; Maximum rotational speed:Spherical Roller; Flow:Triple-lip contacting, self-purging nitrile rubber seal; Nominal Resistance:Round; Drive Power:1.5600 in; Maximum Torque:Solid Pillow Block; Weight (approx.):Lubrication Fitting; Case volume:3.7500 in; Drive Speed:Open; Pilot Pressure:Heavy Duty; Sequence Valve:0.7500 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Cast Steel; Voltage:QVPR; Rate Of Pressure Change:Single V-Lock Collar; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):49 lbs; Torque:Bearing Steel; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Click here; Maximum angular acceleration:10.2500 in; manufacturer upc number:883450175593; |
Vickers PVQ20B2RSE1S21C21V11B13 PVQ Series Piston Pump | Maximum rotational speed:3.4375 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:3.7500 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):13.6300 in; Torque:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Maximum angular acceleration:7.6900 in; Weight (approx.):Powder Coat; Rotary stiffness:Four-Bolt Base; Case volume:4.0600 in; Nominal Resistance:Spherical Roller; Control Fluid Drain:Triple-lip contacting, self-purging nitrile rubber seal; Moment of inertia rotary group:Round; Drive Speed:1.5600 in; Power:Solid Pillow Block; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Lubrication Fitting; Maximum Torque:3.7500 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:Open; Voltage:Heavy Duty; Rate Of Pressure Change:0.7500 in; Load Pressure:Cast Steel; Flow:QVPR; Drive Power:Single V-Lock Collar; Pilot Pressure:49 lbs; Control Pressure Measurement:Bearing Steel; Sequence Valve:Click here; Maximum Volume Flow:10.2500 in; manufacturer upc number:883450175593; |
Vickers DG4V-3S-2N-VM-U-H5-60 Solenoid Operated Directional Valve | Drive Power:3.4375 in; Load Pressure:3.7500 in; Sequence Valve:13.6300 in; Flow:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Case volume:7.6900 in; Maximum Torque:Powder Coat; Maximum angular acceleration:Four-Bolt Base; Pilot Pressure:4.0600 in; Drive Speed:Spherical Roller; Determining Operating Characteristics:Triple-lip contacting, self-purging nitrile rubber seal; Maximum rotational speed:Round; Moment of inertia rotary group:1.5600 in; Power:Solid Pillow Block; Control Fluid Drain:Lubrication Fitting; Voltage:3.7500 in; Rotary stiffness:Open; Pressurefree Operation:Heavy Duty; Rate Of Pressure Change:0.7500 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Cast Steel; Weight (approx.):QVPR; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Single V-Lock Collar; Torque:49 lbs; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Bearing Steel; Nominal Resistance:Click here; Control Pressure Measurement:10.2500 in; manufacturer upc number:883450175593; |
Vickers PVH131R13AF30A250000001001AB010 PVH Series Variable Piston Pump | Sequence Valve:3.4375 in; Maximum angular acceleration:3.7500 in; Drive Speed:13.6300 in; Rotary stiffness:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Rate Of Pressure Change:7.6900 in; Load Pressure:Powder Coat; Control Pressure Measurement:Four-Bolt Base; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:4.0600 in; Voltage:Spherical Roller; Drive Power:Triple-lip contacting, self-purging nitrile rubber seal; Nominal Resistance:Round; Case volume:1.5600 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Solid Pillow Block; Maximum rotational speed:Lubrication Fitting; Pressurefree Operation:3.7500 in; Control Fluid Drain:Open; Torque:Heavy Duty; Flow:0.7500 in; Maximum Torque:Cast Steel; Moment of inertia rotary group:QVPR; Determining Operating Characteristics:Single V-Lock Collar; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:49 lbs; Power:Bearing Steel; Weight (approx.):Click here; Pilot Pressure:10.2500 in; manufacturer upc number:883450175593; |
Vickers DG4V-3S-ZO-MU-H5-60 Solenoid Operated Directional Valve | Flow:3.4375 in; Rotary stiffness:3.7500 in; Power:13.6300 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Case volume:7.6900 in; Control Fluid Drain:Powder Coat; Control Pressure Measurement:Four-Bolt Base; Drive Speed:4.0600 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Spherical Roller; Torque:Triple-lip contacting, self-purging nitrile rubber seal; Drive Power:Round; Weight (approx.):1.5600 in; Maximum rotational speed:Solid Pillow Block; Voltage:Lubrication Fitting; Moment of inertia rotary group:3.7500 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Open; Pilot Pressure:Heavy Duty; Nominal Resistance:0.7500 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Cast Steel; Determining Operating Characteristics:QVPR; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Single V-Lock Collar; Maximum angular acceleration:49 lbs; Pressurefree Operation:Bearing Steel; Sequence Valve:Click here; Rate Of Pressure Change:10.2500 in; manufacturer upc number:883450175593; |
Vickers DG4V-3S-2AL-MU-H5-60 Solenoid Operated Directional Valve | Weight (approx.):3.4375 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:3.7500 in; Pressurefree Operation:13.6300 in; Control Fluid Drain:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Rate Of Pressure Change:7.6900 in; Flow:Powder Coat; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Four-Bolt Base; Power:4.0600 in; Torque:Spherical Roller; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Triple-lip contacting, self-purging nitrile rubber seal; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Round; Moment of inertia rotary group:1.5600 in; Case volume:Solid Pillow Block; Maximum Torque:Lubrication Fitting; Control Pressure Measurement:3.7500 in; Pilot Pressure:Open; Voltage:Heavy Duty; Sequence Valve:0.7500 in; Drive Speed:Cast Steel; Load Pressure:QVPR; Rotary stiffness:Single V-Lock Collar; Maximum rotational speed:49 lbs; Maximum angular acceleration:Bearing Steel; Drive Power:Click here; Maximum Volume Flow:10.2500 in; manufacturer upc number:883450175593; |
Vickers DG4V-3-0A-M-U-B6-60 Solenoid Operated Directional Valve | Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):3.4375 in; Sequence Valve:3.7500 in; Pilot Pressure:13.6300 in; Voltage:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Flow:7.6900 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Powder Coat; Control Fluid Drain:Four-Bolt Base; Weight (approx.):4.0600 in; Load Pressure:Spherical Roller; Maximum Volume Flow:Triple-lip contacting, self-purging nitrile rubber seal; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Round; Nominal Resistance:1.5600 in; Drive Power:Solid Pillow Block; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Lubrication Fitting; Rate Of Pressure Change:3.7500 in; Torque:Open; Determining Operating Characteristics:Heavy Duty; Power:0.7500 in; Drive Speed:Cast Steel; Maximum rotational speed:QVPR; Maximum Torque:Single V-Lock Collar; Case volume:49 lbs; Rotary stiffness:Bearing Steel; Maximum angular acceleration:Click here; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:10.2500 in; manufacturer upc number:883450175593; |
Vickers PVH057R01AA50A250000001001AB010A PVH Series Variable Piston Pump | Control Pressure Measurement:3.4375 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:3.7500 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):13.6300 in; Maximum Torque:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Determining Operating Characteristics:7.6900 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Powder Coat; Drive Speed:Four-Bolt Base; Rate Of Pressure Change:4.0600 in; Load Pressure:Spherical Roller; Sequence Valve:Triple-lip contacting, self-purging nitrile rubber seal; Drive Power:Round; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1.5600 in; Nominal Resistance:Solid Pillow Block; Flow:Lubrication Fitting; Weight (approx.):3.7500 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Open; Rotary stiffness:Heavy Duty; Pilot Pressure:0.7500 in; Voltage:Cast Steel; Case volume:QVPR; Control Fluid Drain:Single V-Lock Collar; Pressurefree Operation:49 lbs; Maximum rotational speed:Bearing Steel; Maximum Volume Flow:Click here; Torque:10.2500 in; manufacturer upc number:883450175593; |
Vickers DG4V-3-2BL-M-U-H7-60 Solenoid Operated Directional Valve | Sequence Valve:3.4375 in; Weight (approx.):3.7500 in; Power:13.6300 in; Maximum Torque:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Pilot Pressure:7.6900 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:Powder Coat; Maximum Volume Flow:Four-Bolt Base; Maximum angular acceleration:4.0600 in; Voltage:Spherical Roller; Drive Speed:Triple-lip contacting, self-purging nitrile rubber seal; Pressurefree Operation:Round; Rotary stiffness:1.5600 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Solid Pillow Block; Nominal Resistance:Lubrication Fitting; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:3.7500 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Open; Determining Operating Characteristics:Heavy Duty; Drive Power:0.7500 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Cast Steel; Control Fluid Drain:QVPR; Maximum rotational speed:Single V-Lock Collar; Flow:49 lbs; Case volume:Bearing Steel; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Click here; Torque:10.2500 in; manufacturer upc number:883450175593; |
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Vickers 4525V42A17-1AA22R Double Vane Pump Video
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- Shanghai pump Technology Co., Ltd.
- Address4973 Levy Street, St-Laurent, Quebec, H4R 2N9, Canada
- Phone(Working Time)+507-264-5592
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